I've been bragging off and on (and smugly too) that I haven't had a cold in over 2 years. Tempting fate, huh? Well, yesterday at The Quilt Shop I noticed that I felt just a little off...nothing I could put my finger on, just off, yunno? So I wake up at 4:30am with my face glued to my pillowcase from my nose which had been running while I was sleeping. I know, I know...ewwwwwww. Get over yourself, ok, ...just trying to get a little sympathy going here. I bought some Zicam swabs when I first moved to the mountains, thinking that I'd be needing them. Glad I had them. Okay, enough of that.
(While you're over there looking, check out Meg's blog and her other patterns)
Tod was one of the pattern testers for Meg and she chose to make it with fabrics from Jane Sassaman's Hothouse Garden line for Free Spirit. Since the apron is reversible, it really is stunning and is just too much fun. I love it. Tod has ordered the pattern for her shop, and you can order them now too.
Speaking of Jane Sassaman...she has started a blog, and she has posted a freebie pattern on there that is drop dead stunning....called Folk Art Hearts. Go take a look and see.

I've been making blocks, trying them out on my design wall, and then making quilt tops like a mad woman. I have 6 quilts in various stages of construction and hope to get two of them off to the long-armer this next week. I plan to quilt 2 of them myself, so will add them to the two that are already pin-basted and ready. I haven't decided yet, whether I'll quilt the others, or send them out.
This lovely one over here to the left has it's borders sewn on since I took this picture.
I've also made the binding, picked fabric for the backing and hopefully tonight will get that sewn.
Talk to you soon.
Just found your blog. Have you ever ventured down the road to the "other" guilt store on 421? Go by and visit. They are having a "Souper Bowl Party" tomorrow night. Funn will be had by all. Go to the shop blog and get the details.
Sure, I've been in that store...I'm a quilter!
Glad that you stopped by my blog and thanks for leaving a comment.
The apron turned out really cute!
Have a Blessed Happy Fun
Creative Healthy Year!!!
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