I shopped yesterday for the stuff I need to make Green Bean Casserole, which is my responsibility for Christmas dinner. I'm spending it with my "sista-women-friends" and their kids. I have made this before and it's soooo easy to do and everyone seems to like it. So that's a snap.
I'll take everything there to assemble and bake. Easy-Peasy.
Before I headed out to do that little bit of shopping, and for my dentist appointment, I made my first ever batch of Biscotti. Orange almond in flavor and so good with my morning coffee today.


The last of the goodie trays went out the door yesterday evening. I made a total of 7 with cookies on the bottom and candy on top. They were lovely and I was channeling my inner Martha the whole time.
Actually I was channeling my inner Ginny Ingle, mom, who was Martha long before Martha became a brand. She was room mother when we three were in school and her treats were over the top. During our school's fall festival, her decorated cakes were the ones that raised the most money. Her holiday platters were altogether amazing and looked-forward-to by all our neighbors. If I can do anything at all well, all thanks belong to her.

I got a lovely in the mail this week. My friend, Doro, who is a water-colorist and was a neighbor of mine in Mexico sent me a watercolor she painted ~ already matted and framed. She and David live in Ouray, Colorado part of the year and this is a painting of the mountains in the fall, showing snow on the peaks. She had no idea that the colors in my bathroom are all in those fallish colors, so it is perfect. I took down the picture I had in there and put this one up. It is so beautiful and makes my heart glad. Thanks Doro for sharing your talent with me.
It's rainy today and I'm doing laundry and cleaning house. Maya and I have been on our walk and we both got wet and were glad to get home, where it's warm and dry.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Peace!
1 comment:
Merry Christmas Susan!
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