While considering yet another wrinkle in the Mariner's Compass Quilt, I put together this little quilt from my african fabrics and some batik blocks of African Dancers. I love it!
This is the quilt top, pin basted and ready to be quilted. I'll do the quilting myself...just a simple grid and some kind of geometric frames on the border.
The back is also fabulous with just one strip of pieced strips down the center.

I have not been present here because my baby girl, Maya, has been very sick. We've been to the vets and we've done two sessions of extensive lab work, but we don't have a diagnosis.
She has had a major lower gastrointestinal upset and no, I won't ruin your day with details....but for the past 3 weeks I've been cooking her meals myself. White rice and boiled chicken meat.
Understand that I don't cook for myself daily, so she should really be feeling princess-y and know that my love for her has no bounds.

In addition, she has been doing major lounging and has dibs on my bed from the moment I get up until I move her out so that I can go to bed at night.
During this long illness she has required extra trips "out" and since I've been so worried about her, I have accommodated every diva-like desire of hers.
She has given me a couple of false hopes and it seemed like everything had settled down, only to get bad again. So, I'm hoping that her unusual perky-ness and cessation of belly upset today means she is on the mend and not another false hope.
Stay tuned....
Pretty!! I love orange.
Poor puppy. Have the vets ruled out pancreatitis?
poor baby!
big hugs for you girls!
Thanks everyone, we're still hopeful, but she's not back to her usual self yet. She had 4 great days in a row and then sick again. I'm grateful for the great days.
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